Flint River Assessment - 2001
Special Report 27
Joseph M. Leonardi and William J. Gruhn

File Name Files Size Contents of file
sr27text&tables.pdf 855 Kb Text and tables of the main document.
sr27figuress.pdf 4,487 Kb Figures for the main document.
sr27app1_2.pdf 184 Kb Appendix 1 and 2
sr27app3a.pdf 3,855 Kb Appendix 3 - Species distribution maps (pages 14-32)
sr27app3b.pdf 4,815 Kb Appendix 3 - Species distribution maps (pages 33-52)
sr27app3c.pdf 4,952 Kb Appendix 3 - Species distribution maps (pages 53-72)
sr27app3d.pdf 6,499 Kb Appendix 3 - Species distribution maps (pages 73-99)
sr27app3e_index.pdf 11 Kb Appendix 3 - Species distribution maps (pages 100-102)
sr27app4.pdf 82 Kb Appendix 4
